There is a theological necessity for Jesus to meet the woman of Samaria at Jacob's well. She gives us a model of faith and evangelization as disciples.
Once Jesus has taught His disciples to Abide in Him and trust Him, He sends them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God. He gives us all the Great Commission to fulfill. How will you respond to the call?
We share our testimonies to center our relationships on Christ, to get to know each other better, to discover how the Lord speaks to each person differently, and most importantly to practice sharing God's work in our own lives with others.
Order your shirt online today! Deadline is September 21st! Choose University of Mississippi, then Catholic Campus Ministry on the next page. You will need the following password once you click on the design: thursday
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (or better known as RCIA) is available every year for anyone who wishes to enter the Catholic Church or wish to receive the sacraments of initiation. Interested?
After praying for the intercession of the "Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes," a struggling entertainer found success. What he did in return has given hope to millions of families.
He was on his way to meet a grisly end and the hands (er, the paws) of hungry lions. There was no mystery about how or when death would come. It would come in an arena filled with blood-lusting hordes gathered to witness the macabre spectacle of Roman execution.
Despite recent hysterical news reports, Pope Francis is not reversing teaching or rewriting Church doctrine. Instead, he is sticking to a theme he has held is entire papacy: to love one another.
It's easy as students to get caught up in the every day things life in college brings us and while the course you have planned in your head is certainly your concern, your individual steps are His...