Catholic Campus Ministry at Ole Miss plays a vital role in evangelizing the campus and community at the University of Mississippi and reaching students with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We seek to build up men and women who are excited about their faith and prepared to lead the Catholic Church into the future.
But we do not act alone. Through your prayers and contributions, you can help us reach this campus for Christ to share the love of God with Catholic and non-Catholic students alike.
Through St. John's Catholic Church, you can set up one-time or recurring financial contributions to our ministry. Your generosity is not only greatly appreciated, but your gifts are critically important for our success. Thank you for prayerfully considering a contribution to CCM Ole Miss!
Please set up a secure one-time or recurring online donation to CCM through St. John's OSV online giving service. If you need help, call the St. John's parish office at 662-234-6073.
If you would rather donate through the mail, please make checks payable to St. John's Catholic Church and put CCM Ole Miss in the memo line. You can mail your contribution to:
St. John's Catholic Church
Attn: CCM Ole Miss
416 South Fifth Street
Oxford, MS 38655